Colectie Imagini - vol.9, Dreamstime | Gabi.Media

Colectie Imagini - vol.9, Gabi.Media

Chamomile flower, blurred background, close up photo

Close up photo, chamomile flower in sun light, blurred green background.

Fotografie de aproape, floare de mușețel în lumina soarelui, fundal verde neclar.
Close up photo, chamomile flower in sun light, blurred green background.
Close up photo, chamomile flower in sun light, blurred green background.

At the edge of Limanul Siutghiol (Lake Mamaia)

In the morning at the edge of Limanul Siutghiol (Lake Mamaia), a building under construction is reflected in the water.

Dimineata la marginea Limanului Siutghiol (Lacul Mamaia), o cladire in constructie se reflecta in apa.
At the edge of Limanul Siutghiol (Lake Mamaia)
At the edge of Limanul Siutghiol (Lake Mamaia)

Wooden piers at the edge of a lake

Abandoned wooden pillars at the edge of Lake Mamaia (Limanul Siutghiol).

Stâlpi de lemn abandonați la marginea Lacului Mamaia (Limanul Siutghiol).
Wooden piers at the edge of a lake
Wooden piers at the edge of a lake

The sun s rays at sunset, above the sea

The sun s rays at sunset are reflected in the clouds above the sea.

Razele soarelui la apus se reflectă în norii deasupra mării.
The sun s rays at sunset, above the sea
The sun s rays at sunset, above the sea

Sunrise on the beach in Mamaia

Early morning at sunrise on the beach at Mamaia

Dimineata devreme la rasaritul soarelui pe plaja de la Mamaia
Sunrise on the beach in Mamaia
Sunrise on the beach in Mamaia

A lot of shells on the beach

Green trees along the water s edge. Sunset at Lake Bucov.

O mulțime de scoici pe plaja Mamaia, la marginea mării.
A lot of shells on the beach
A lot of shells on the beach

Hobby photography, Nature photography, Macro photography

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